A lot has happened in the last couple weeks. It’s hard to function. It’s hard to think about anything else. It’s hard to read the news without crying. George Floyd was murdered and I don’t have enough words for how terrible it is–for how terrible it is EVERY SINGLE TIME this shit happens. Seeing the large amount of people unabashedly okay with the cops’ constant unjust persecution of people of color in our country is sickening. It’s all too much–the division, the excuses, the lack of leadership, those who would distract us from the real issues plaguing this country.
Oh and coronavirus is killing us too.
I released my app in the App Store. Which is fucking huge. I’ve been working on Fair Weather for years, but it just doesn’t seem important right now. I’ll write about it later. For now…I don’t know. Breathe in. Breathe out. Stay strong. Fight the good fight. Black Lives Matter.